APTA Academy of Physical Therapy Education Physical Therapy Faculty Development Workshop

Academy of Education News,

The APTA Academy of Education Physical Therapy Faculty Development Workshop is back for 2024! The Academy is excited to offer two versions of the workshop this year: virtual in March and in-person in July.

Workshop Goals:

  1. Introduce novice faculty to established roles in the academy.
  2. Facilitate professional growth of developing faculty members.
  3. Cultivate a network of academic colleagues among workshop participants and facilitators.
  4. Create a professional development plan incorporating elements of teaching, scholarship and service.
  5. Design instructional activities and assessment methods that reflect contemporary best practices.
  6. Examine the integration of cultural humility within the physical therapy curricula.

Focused Learning Opportunities:

  1. Discussions on balancing responsibilities of teaching, research and service as the new faculty member acclimates to a role in higher education.
  2. Applying core principles of teaching and learning, using best practices in course development, student assessments, and student engagement.
  3. Empowering master adaptive learners.
  4. Fostering professionalism and coaching.
  5. Focusing on the unique role of the Director of Clinical Education (DCE) as a member of the faculty team.
  6. Individual or small group consulting opportunities with faculty facilitators during the workshop.
  7. Post course synchronous networking and follow-up for participants.


This workshop is designed for full time PTA or DPT faculty who have less than 5 years of experience within academia. Priority enrollment will be given to members of the APTA Academy of Physical Therapy Education.

  • Virtual, March 4-24, 2024: The virtual workshop is limited to 30 participants. The virtual workshop will be offered through the APTA Academy of Education Learning Center with a balance of asynchronous (i.e. on your own time) materials coupled with live synchronous sessions held via Zoom. Live sessions will be recorded for those unable to attend the specific time offerings of the synchronous sessions.

More Information & Register: Virtual Workshop

  • Chicago, July 25-27, 2024: The in-the-seat workshop is limited to 75 participants. Participants will receive in advance required materials to bring to workshop once registration is completed. Please do not make travel arrangements until you receive confirmation of registration. 

More Information & Register: In-the-seat Workshop in Chicago

Institutional Commitment:

With your registration you will be asked to include a signed statement of support from your program director for your participation in the full workshop.

Ethical and Confidentiality Commitment:

Given that there may be discussion about sensitive issues and difficulties faced by some participants in their roles as faculty, participants and faculty facilitators will be asked to agree to a promise of confidentiality.


  • Main Workshop is 21 Contact Hours
  • Optional DCE Session is 4 Contact Hours


Q: How will the virtual learning experience be delivered differently than the traditional in-the-seat workshop?

A: The very successful in-the-seat workshop has traditionally been full day experiences over three days in which you must travel to a remote location and stay in a hotel. For the virtual experience, you will stay at home or work and interact with the learning material during scheduled ZOOM sessions as well as directed to do independent work on your own to prepare for the live sessions.


Q: Why did the Academy of Education develop a virtual version of this workshop?

A: This parallel workshop was developed because our membership has asked for it. The virtual option creates an opportunity for members to access the learning without physically having to travel to Chicago during the late summer each year.


Q: Why is the registration cost the same as the in-the-seat workshop?

A: This ties in closely to the same amount of CEU that are offered for both experiences (25 total if you attend both the regular and DCE workshops). The goal is to make these two branches of the same professional development tree provided by the Academy of Education with similar access to experts within the field and similar content. Overall costs in comparison are less as no travel or hotels are needed to complete this virtual learning experience.