Professional Bio
At the American Council on Education, Sharon directed the Emerging Leaders Group and ACE Fellows Program, and created the Leadership Academy for Department Chairs. Previously she directed Harvard University's Institute for Educational Management, founded and directed the Management Development Program and co-founded the Harvard Seminar for New Presidents. She has created or directed major leadership programs for organizations as diverse as the Massachusetts Board of Higher Education, New England Center for Research on Higher Education, National Association for Women in Education and Midlantic National Bank. She was a founding board member, external evaluator and contributor to many research articles for the Hedwig van Ameringen Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine (ELAM) Program for Women. She worked with leadership development internationally with the Fulbright Commission, United States Information Agency, Latin American Scholars Program of American Universities, Open Society Institute of the Soros Foundations, U.S. Freedom Support Act Graduate Fellowship Program, Universia Foundation of Mexico, Higher Education South Africa and the United Arab Emirates. She has keynoted and presented on leadership development at conferences in Kazakhstan, British Columbia, England and many U.S. events.