Member Benefits

Interprofessional Partners Program

Academy of Education Interprofessional Partners are educators outside the United States and other professionals within the United States who are not eligible for any regular members category (per APTA policies on membership). IP Partners may include:

  • Faculty teaching in a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant program
  • International physiotherapists practicing outside the United States
  • Rehabilitation providers (physicians, occupational therapists, speech language pathologists, respiratory therapists, health care administrators)
  • Licensed physical therapists’ assistants who did not graduate from a CAPTE-approved academic education program, and
  • Others who can demonstrate an identified connection with the profession and/or Association

Business entities, corporations or practices (both profit and non-profit) are not eligible for the individual partners program and may not participate as entities in APTA Academy of Education Partners Program.

An Interprofessional Partner Program member may be dismissed from participation for actions or behavior that are not in keeping with Code of Ethics, Core Values, or other standards and guidelines of the APTA or the Academy.

Interprofessional Partner benefits – same as all APTA Academy of Education members (refer to ES membership materials), except for the right to vote and right to serve as an officer in any leadership position for the Section or SIG.  Please note: Discounts may be available on some of the Academy educational offerings; however, APTA member pricing for national conferences is only available to those who are APTA Faculty Partners.

As a Partner of the Academy of Education, you will receive the following benefits:

  • An annual online subscription Journal of Physical Therapy Education (JoPTE), the Academy’s quarterly journal.
  • Free optional membership in the Academy’s six Special Interest Groups: Academic Faculty SIG; Anatomy Educators SIG; Clinical Educators SIG; Physical Therapist Assistant Educators SIG; Residency/Fellowship Education SIG; and Scholarship of Education SIG.
  • Members-only information on the Academy’s website at
  • Access to eblasts with the latest news.
  • Most importantly, you’ll be part of a network of members – in your state, in your region, and across the country – and a part of a collective voice for physical therapy education.

The annual Interprofessional Partner fee is $55, covering a single year of benefits (January 1-December 31), which must be submitted by December 15 of each year. This fee is required annually for each successive renewal of your Partner status.