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Photo of Chalee R. Engelhard

Chalee R. Engelhard


Physical Therapist (PT)

Member Since: 1988

Professional Bio

Chalee Engelhard, PT, EdD, MBA received a BHS in physical therapy from the University of Kentucky, a Masters in Business Administration from Thomas More University, and a Doctor of Education from the University of Cincinnati. She is an Educational Leadership Institute (ELI) Graduate, Board-Certified Geriatric Clinical Specialist Emeritus, and a tenured Professor in the Department of Rehabilitation, Exercise, and Nutrition Sciences at the University of Cincinnati. She formerly served as the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and is currently serving as the DPT Program Director and Vice Department Head. Prior to her time at the University of Cincinnati, she was a Regional Director of Operations for a long-term care contract company with the primary functions of achieving operational outcomes through interdisciplinary project management, employment recruitment/retention, short term/long term planning, providing support to inter-disciplinary teams, and excellence in customer service. Upon entering higher education in 2006, she established content expertise in professional roles, leadership and management. Dr. Engelhard has co-authored numerous papers and received grants in the areas of education and qualitative research, including interprofessional education. Dr. Engelhard served as the Treasurer for the Ohio Kentucky Consortium for Physical Therapy Educators for 7 years, as Secretary for the National Consortium for Clinical Educators (ACAPT’s NCCE) for 4 years and is currently serving a second term as the APTA Academy of Education Treasurer. In addition to her work as Treasurer, she also serves as one of the three APTA Academy of Education representatives to the Educational Leadership Partnership (ELP) and is currently ELP Chair.
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